The Lucas Aerospace Combine Shop Stewards' Committee

The Lucas Plan Inside Story... Then and Now.

Exploring the inception and evolution of the Lucas Plan.

In 1976 the Lucas Aerospace Combine Shop Stewards Committee launched an alternative Corporate Plan for Lucas Aerospace that advocated the production of socially useful products. This was in response to advice from Tony Benn and management announcing the need to cut jobs.

Following a period of expansion, in 1974 Lucas Aerospace along with other aerospace companies announced the need to restructure the company as a consequence of ‘increased international competition and technological change brought about by the need to introduce new technology’. Around 70% of Lucas Aerospace output served military contracts. Since this depended upon public funding, as did many of the civilian contracts, the Combine argued that state support would be better put to developing products that society needed, rather than the state supporting workers through paying redundancy money when they were put out of work.

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The idea of the Combine’s alternative Corporate Plan came about as a result of a meeting held with Tony Benn at the Dept. of Industry in November 1974. Thirty-four Combine delegates met with Benn in an attempt to persuade him to include Lucas Aerospace in the nationalisation of the aerospace industry. Benn indicated he did not have the power to include Lucas Aerospace in the nationalisation proposals; however he suggested that the Combine should draw up an alternative corporate strategy for the company. This suggestion started a process which resulted in the Combine drawing up the alternative Corporate Plan, as the Lucas Plan was known then. The Plan, when published became an international cause celebre which has endured for over forty years. For a detailed account of the Lucas Plan, click .

The New Lucas Plan Working Group

The New Lucas Plan Working Group is a network of individuals and organisations that came together and organised the conference celebrating the 40th anniversary of the launch of the Lucas Plan. The conference was held in Birmingham in November 2016.The overall aim of the Group’s work is to create a new economy that serves genuine social and individual needs and respects environmental limits. The Group’s website, click includes videos of the conference, links to the film ‘The Plan – that came from the bottom up, resources, the Plan background and related issues.


The Plan, produced and directed by Steve Sprung, received its world premiere at the British Film Institute’s Festival in October 2018. Below are support and review statements:

“Described as ‘a film letter in parts’, ‘THE PLAN that came from the bottom up’ is a thought-provoking and extensive film essay which chronicles the extraordinary story of the Lucas Aerospace engineers. A poetic exploration of this incredibly timely story in history.” UK Film Review

“An urgent and gripping piece of work, reflecting on the dark consequences of capitalism on society and proposing an encouraging alternative for a troubling present.” London Film Festival

“This film captures a unique moment in our history – highly skilled workers showing how to turn swords into ploughshares. Please support this film, see it, promote it and discuss it. If we want to transform society, this is a good place to start.” Ken Loach

To view the links to the film click